
2023年03月27日 19:03  点击:[]

刘洪升  简历





E-mail: liuhongsheng@usc.edu.cn












[1] Liu Hongsheng, Liangming Liu, Dexian Zhang, Fangfang Huang, Xin Zhang. Unilateral magma emplacement of the Telimbela batholith in the Central Ecuadorian arc: Implications for kinematics of oblique subduction of the Farallon-Nazca plate, Tectonics.

[2] Liu Hongsheng, Martelet Guillaume, Bo Wang*, Saskia Erdmann, Yan Chen, Michel Faure, Fangfang Huang, Bruno Scaillet, Nicole le-Breton, Liangshu Shu, Rucheng Wang, and Jinchu Zhu. Incremental Emplacement of the Late Jurassic Midcrustal, Lopolith-Like Qitianling Pluton, South China, Revealed by AMS and Bouguer Gravity Data, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 2018, 123(10), 9249-9268.

[3] Liu Hongsheng, Liangming Liu*, Yan Chen, Michel Faure, Xu Xia, Hongzhi Wu, and Wei Cao. Spatial-temporal heterogeneity of magma emplacement process and its constraints on localization of associated orebody: A case study in the Shizishan orefield of the Tongling Ore Cluster, east China, Ore Geology Reviews, 2021b, 104587.

[4] Liu Hongsheng, Yan Chen, Bo Wang*, Michel Faure, Saskia Erdmann, Guillaume Martelet, Bruno Scaillet, and Fangfang Huang. Role of inherited structure on granite emplacement: An example from the Late Jurassic Shibei pluton in the Wuyishan area (South China) and its tectonic implications, Tectonophysics, 2020, 779, 228394.

[5] Liu Hongsheng, Bo Wang*, Liangshu Shu, Bor-Ming Jahn, and Yoshiyuki Lizuka. Detrital zircon ages of Proterozoic meta-sedimentary rocks and Paleozoic sedimentary cover of the northern Yili Block: Implications for the tectonics of microcontinents in the Central Asian Orogenic Belt, Precambrian Research, 2014, 252(5), 209-222.

[6] Liu Hongsheng Liangming Liu*, Wei Cao, Yan Chen, and Michel Faure. Magmatic stock emplacement and its constraints on the localization of related skarn orebodies: an example from the Tongguanshan stock, Tongling district, eastern China, Geological Magazine, 2021a, 1-16.

[7] Bo Wang*, Hongsheng Liu, Liangshu Shu, Bor-ming Jahn, Sun-lin Chung, Yazhong Zhai, and Dunyi Liu. Early Neoproterozoic crustal evolution in northern Yili Block: Insights from migmatite, orthogneiss and leucogranite of the Wenquan metamorphic complex in the NW Chinese Tianshan, Precambrian Research, 2014a, 242, 58-81.

[8] Liangming Liu*, Wei Cao, Hongsheng Liu, Alison Ord, Yaozu Qin, Feihu Zhou, and Chenxi Bi. Applying benefits and avoiding pitfalls of 3D computational modeling-based machine learning prediction for exploration targeting: Lessons from two mines in the Tongling-Anqing district, eastern China, Ore Geology Reviews, 2022, 142, 104712.

[9] Wei Cao, Liangming Liu*, Hongsheng Liu, and Feng Lai. Investigating the irregular localization of skarn orebodies by computational modeling in the Fenghuangshan Ore Field, Tongling District, Anhui Province, China, Natural Resources Research, 2020, 29(5), 2967-2988.

[10] Xin Zhu, Bo Wang, Yan Chen, Hongsheng Liu. Constraining the Intracontinental Tectonics of the SW Central Asian Orogenic Belt by the Early Permian Paleomagnetic Pole for the Turfan-Hami Block, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 2019, 124(12), 12366-12387.

[11] 刘洪升*,刘亮明,闵令帅。岩基侵位对局部应力场变化的影响及其对同时期成矿岩体空间分布的制约,中国地球科学联合学术年会,(103)华南成矿作用与找矿勘查专题,福州,2022.



1. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,南岭地区骑田岭岩体侵位及其围岩热-流变行为的研究(编号41902209),2020/01-2022/1223万,主持.

2. 湖南省自然科学基金青年项目,湘南矿集区晚侏罗世骑田岭及大东山岩体侵位机制研究及其对伴生成矿作用和区域构造背景的指示意义(编号2019JJ50832),2019/01-2021/125万,主持.

3. 铜陵有色金属集团股份有限公司冬瓜山铜矿, 冬瓜山矿区岩体三维空间变化及其控矿规律研究, 2018/09-2020/04,参与.



1. 2023年度老员工创新创业训练计划 “衡阳水口山道路尘土重金属污染的磁学响应”,2023-2024.





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