
2023年02月27日 14:28  点击:[]

姓名  导师简历





余黄,男,199110月出生,中共党员,理学博士,校聘教授,硕士导师,主要利用微生物生态学理论与环境微生物组学技术,揭示铀污染物转化微生物过程及调控机制,为铀污染生态环境修复与安全提供科学支撑,研究成果在Environmental Science & TechnologySoil Biology and BiochemistryJournal of Hazardous Materials等重要国际学术期刊上发表。














1)BETVlCTOR手机登录校级科研启动项目 铀矿山微生物驱动的铀-磷协同转化过程与机制 2022.11—2025.11,在研,主持。






1. Yu Huang#, He Zhenzhen#, He Zhili, Yan Qingyun, Shu Longfei. Soil Amoebae Selectively Predate on Metal-Reducing Bacteria and Impact Iron and Chromium Reduction. Environmental Science & Technology, 2022, 5912: 9052-9062.

2. Yu Huang, Xizhe Yan, Wanlin Weng, Sihan Xu, Guizhi Xu, Tianyuan Gu, Xiaotong Guan, Shengwei Liu, Pubo Chen, Yongjie Wu, Fanshu Xiao, Cheng Wang, Longfei Shu, Wu Bo, Dongru Qiu, Zhili He, Qingyun Yan. Extracellular proteins of Desulfovibrio vulgaris as adsorbents and redox shuttles promote antimony biomineralization. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2022, 426: 127795. 

3. Yu Huang#, Liu Xingyu#, Yang Chao, Peng Yisheng, Yu Xiaoli, Gu Hang, Zheng Xiafei, Wang Cheng, Xiao Fanshu, Shu Longfei, He Zhili, Wu Bo, Yan Qingyun. Co-symbiosis of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) and diazotrophs promote biological nitrogen fixation in mangrove ecosystems. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 2021, 161:108382.

4. Yu Huang, Zheng Xiafei, Weng Wanlin, Yan Xizhe, Chen Pubo, Liu Xingyu, Peng Tao, Zhong Qiuping, Xu Kui, Wang Cheng, Shu Longfei, Yang Tony, Xiao Fanshu, He Zhili, Yan Qingyun. Synergistic effects of antimony and arsenic contaminations on bacterial, archaeal and fungal communities in the rhizosphere of Miscanthus sinensis: Insights for nitrification and carbon mineralization. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2021, 411:125094.

5. Yu Huang#, Zhong Qiuping#, Peng Yisheng, Zheng Xiafei, Xiao Fanshu, Wu Bo, Yu Xiaoli, Luo Zhiwen, Shu Longfei, Wang Cheng, Yan Qingyun, He Zhili. Environmental filtering by pH and salinity drives prokaryotic community assembly in coastal wetland sediments. Frontier in Marine Science, 2022, 8.

6. Yu Huang, Yan Xizhe, Zheng Xiafei, Xu, Kui, Zhong Qiuping, Yang Chao, Liu Feifei, Wang Cheng, Shu Longfei, He Zhili, Xiao Fanshu, Yan Qingyun. Differential distribution of and similar biochemical responses to different species of arsenic and antimony in Vetiveria zizanioides. Environmental Geochemistry and Health, 2020, 42:3995-4010. 

7. Gu Tianyuan#, Yu Huang#, Li Fang, Fang Li, Weimin Zeng, Xueling Wu, Li Shen, Runlan Yu, Yuandong Liu, Jiaokun Li. Antimony-oxidizing bacteria alleviate Sb stress in Arabidopsis by attenuating Sb toxicity and reducing Sb uptake. Plant and Soil, 2020, 452:397-412. 

8. Li Jiaokun, Yu Huang, Wu Xueling, Shen Li, Liu Yuandong, Qiu Guanzhou, Zeng Wenmin, Yu Runlan. Novel hyper antimony-oxidizing bacteria isolated from contaminated mine soils in China. Geomicrobiology Journal, 2018, 35:713-720.

9. Zhang Dandan, Li Mingyue, Yang Yuchun, Yu Huang, Xiao Fanshu, Mao Chengzhi, Huang Jie, Yu Yuhe, Wang Yunfeng, Wu Bo, Wang Cheng, Shu Longfei, He Zhili, Yan Qingyun. Nitrite and nitrate reduction drive sediment microbial nitrogen cycling in a eutrophic lake. Water Research, 2022: 118637. 

10. Liu Xingyu, Yang Chao, Yu Xiaoli, Yu Huang, Zhuang Wei, Gu Hang, Xu Kui, Zheng Xiafei, Wang Cheng, Xiao Fanshu, Wu Bo, He Zhili, Yan Qingyun. Revealing structure and assembly for rhizophyte-endophyte diazotrophic community in mangrove ecosystem after introduced Sonneratia apetala and Laguncularia racemosa. Science of The Total Environment, 2020, 721:137807. 

11. Zheng Xiafei, Zhang Keke, Yang Tony, He Zhili, Shu Longfei, Xiao Fanshu, Wu Yongjie, Wang Binhao, Yu Huang, Yan Qingyun. Sediment resuspension drives protist metacommunity structure and assembly in grass carp (Catenopharyngodon idella) aquaculture ponds. Science of the Total Environment, 2021, 764:142840.

12. Chen Pubo, Huang Jie, Rao Liuyu, Zhu Wengen, Yu Yuhe, Xiao Fanshu, Chen Xiaojuan, Yu Huang, Wu Yongjie, Xu Kui, Zheng Xiafei, Hu Ruiwen, He Zhili, Yan Qingyun. Resistance and resilience of fish gut microbiota to silver nanoparticles. mSystems, 2021, 6:e00630-21.

13. Wang Binhao, Zheng Xiafei, Zhang Hangjun, Yu Xiaoli, Lian Yingli, Yang Xueqin, Yu Huang, Hu Ruiwen, He Zhili, Xiao Fanshu, Yan Qingyun. Metagenomic insights into the effects of submerged plants on microbial functions in wetland sediments. Marine Life Science & Technology, 2021, 3:405-415.

14. Chen Pubo, Huang Jie, Rao Liuyu, Zhu Wengen, Yu Yuhe, Xiao Fanshu, Yu Huang, Wu Yongjie, Hu Ruiwen, Liu Xingyu, He Zhili, Yan Qingyun. Environmental effects of nanoparticles on the ecological succession of gut microbiota across zebrafish development. Science of the Total Environment, 2022, 806:150963.

15. Liu Shengwei, Yu Huang, Yu Yuhe, Huang Jie, Zhou Zhengyuan, Zeng Jiaxiong, Chen Pubo, Xiao Fanshu, He Zhili, Yan Qingyun. Seasonal stability of microbial communities in Lake Donghu regulated by keystone taxa. 2022, Ecological Indicators, 2022, 136:108695.

16. Xiao Fanshu, Zhu Wengen, Yu Yuhe, Huang Jie, Li Juan, He Zhili, Wang Jianjun, Yin Huaqun, Yu Huang, Liu Shengwei, Chen Pubo, Huang Zhijian, He Jianguo, Wang Cheng, Shu Longfei, Yan Qingyun. Interactions and stability of gut microbiota in zebrafish increase with host development. 2022, Microbiology Spectrum, 10(2), e01696-21.

17. Su rxin, Wu Yongjie, Chen Pubo, Yu Huang, Liu Shengwei, Luo Hongtian, Yang Yufeng, Wang Cheng, Shu Longfei, Wu Bo, He Zhili, Yan Qingyun. Dietary selenium regulates the diversity and stability of microbial communities in stomach and intestine of rabbitfish (Siganus oramin). Aquaculture, 563, 738979.

18. 李交昆余黄曾伟民等. 根际促生菌强化植物修复重金属污染土壤的研究进展. 生命科学2017, 29(9): 434-442.

19. 古添源余黄曾伟民等. 功能内生菌强化超积累植物修复重金属污染土壤的研究进展. 生命科学201830(11):1228-1235.



















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