
2023年02月15日 12:05  点击:[]


房琦  导师简历








E-mail: fangqi@usc.edu.cn, frances2009@foxmail.com



1. 国家自然科学基金,11705082,含矿含水层中低含量黄铁矿对CO2+O2地浸采铀过程中铀浸出与迁移的影响机理研究,2018-2020,主持,结题

2. 国家自然科学基金,11545016CO2+O2原地浸出采铀地球化学反应运移模型与数值模拟研究,2016,主持,结题

3. 湖南省自然科学基金,2018JJ3434CO2+O2地浸采铀过程中矿物蚀变规律及对浸铀的影响,2018-2020,主持结题

4. 湖南省教育厅科研项目重点课题22A0303CO2+O2地浸采铀地下水中CUC络合物的形成迁移与转化机制2023-2025主持在研

5. 国家自然科学基金,51704169,生物阴极型微生物燃料电池从含铀废水中回收铀的效能与机理研究,2018-2020,参与,结题

6. 国家自然科学基金,低浓度含铀废水微电场诱导磁性矿化固定铀的机理研究,518741802019-2022参与在研

7. 科技部固废资源化重大专项2019YFC1907701固废资源化重大专项放射性固废清洁解控与安全处置技术的课题之一典型放射性固废特征属性与辐射防护调控技术及运行管理机制研究, 2020-2024, 在研参与



[1]Wang S., Fang Q., Yan, R. et al. Effect of natural pyrite oxidation on the U(VI) adsorption under the acidic and neutral conditions. J Radioanal Nucl Chem, 2021, 329:839-848.

[2]Shao-yan Lv, Mi Li*, Xiao-yanWu, Xiao-wen Zhang, Yi-long Hua, Lei Bi, Qi Fang, Tao Cai. A non-polluting method for rapidly purifying uranium-containing wastewater and efficiently recovering uranium through electrochemical mineralization and oxidative roasting, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2021, 416:125885

[3]Mi Li; Fangying Gao; Xiaowen Zhang; Shaoyan lv; Jing Huang; Xiaoyan Wu; Qi Fang. Recovery of uranium from low-grade tailings by electro-assisted leaching. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020, 271

[4] Y. Xie, Q. Fang, M. Li, S. Wang, Y. Luo, X. Wu, J. Lv, W. Tan, H. Wang, K. Tan, Low concentration of Fe(II) to enhance the precipitation of U(VI) under neutral oxygen-rich conditions, Science of the Total Environment , 2020, 711:134827

[5] Yuan-yuan Zhang, Jun-wen Lv, Xue-jie Dong, Qi Fang, Wen-fa Tan, Xiaoyan Wu, Qin-wen Deng. Influence on Uranium(VI) migration in soil by iron and manganese salts of humic acid: Mechanism and behavior. Environmental Pollution, 2020, 256 (113369).

[6] Bing-qing Lu, Mi Li, Xiao-wen Zhang, Chun-mei Huang, Xiao-yan Wu, Qi Fang. Immobilization of uranium into magnetite from aqueous solution by electrodepositing approach. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2018, 343: 255-265.

[7] Fang Q, Lv J, Peng G, et al. Numerical simulation to quantify the leakage risk in a multi-layer aquifer system of pure brine recovery and CO2-enhanced brine recovery: a case study of potassium-rich brine recovery in Jianghan Basin of China[J]. Environmental Earth Sciences, 2017, 76(13):464.

[8] Fang Q, Li Y, Peng G, et al. Effects of feldspar and salinity on the mineral sequestration capacity of CO2, in high-salinity aquifers[J]. Environmental Earth Sciences, 2016, 75(18):1265.

[9] Fang Q, Li Y. Exhaustive brine production and complete CO2 storage in Jianghan Basin of China[J]. Environmental Earth Sciences, 2014, 72(5):1541-1553.

[10] 严然, 房琦, 谢彦培, 王赛男, 李密, 吴晓燕, 吕俊文, 谭文发. 磁铁矿对废水中U(VI)的固定途径与机理, 铀矿冶, 2022, 41(01):64-72

[11] 房琦, 李义连, 程鹏,. 低渗卤水盆地提高CO2注入性的技术方法:以江汉盆地为例[J]. 地球科学, 2014(11):1566-1574.









[1] 房琦, 王赛男, 谢彦培, 严然, 吕俊文, 李密, 吴晓燕. 一种氧化除铀的方法发明专利授权号CN 111924956

[2] 房琦, 谢彦培, 王赛男, 吕俊文, 王红强. 一种恒定pH在线监测实验设备(实用新型专利授权号CN 214503575 U









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