
2023年02月14日 15:00  点击:[]

姓名 陈英 导师简历






工作单位:BETVlCTOR手机登录 bevictor伟德官网


E-mail: usc_chen@usc.edu.cn



1. 海下金属矿开采导水裂隙带渗流规律及致灾机理研究,国家自然科学基金

2. 复杂条件下采动岩体裂隙演化规律及破坏机理研究,湖南省自然科学基金

3. 卸荷作用下地下工程裂隙岩体的渗流规律研究,湖南省教育厅

4. 超深大断面竖井井筒围岩与井壁结构协同作用机理研究,中国博士后基金

5. 金川二矿区地质调查矿岩力学参数测试区域稳定性分析研究,校企合作项目

6. 铜坑矿业分公司坚固矿岩天井一次性成井技术研究与应用,校企合作项目

7. 深井金属矿床超大规模高效开采关键技术相似模拟试验,校企合作项目




1. Ying Chen, Guoyan Zhao, Shaofeng Wang, Hao Wu. A case study on the height of water-flow fracture zone in undersea mining, Sanshandao gold mine, China. Environmental Earth Sciences.

2. Ying Chen, Guoyan Zhao, Shaofeng Wang, Xiang Li. Investigations of the height of fractured zones in overburden induced by undersea mining. Arabian Journal of Geosciences.

3. Zhang L, Zhang Z, Chen Y*, et al. Crack development and damage patterns under combined dynamic-static loading of parallel double fractured rocks based on DIC technique[J]. Acta Geotechnica, 2022: 1-25.

4. Dai B, Shan Q, Chen Y*, et al. Mechanical and energy dissipation characteristics of granite under cyclic impact loading[J]. Journal of Central South University, 2022, 29(1): 116-128.

5. Dai, B.; Chen, Y*. A Novel Approach for Predicting the Height of the Water-Flow Fracture Zone in Undersea Safety Mining. Remote Sensing. 2020, 12, 358.

6. Chen Y, Da Q, Liang W, et al. Bagged Ensemble of Gaussian Process Classifiers for Assessing Rockburst Damage Potential with an Imbalanced Dataset[J]. Mathematics, 2022, 10(18): 3382.

7. Chen Y, Chen S, Wu Z, et al. Optimization of Genetic Algorithm through Use of Back Propagation Neural Network in Forecasting Smooth Wall Blasting Parameters[J]. Mathematics, 2022, 10(8): 1271.

8. Xue, Y., Dai, B., Chen, Y. *, Zhang, L., He, G. and Zhang, Z., 2020. Experimental Study on the Mechanical Properties and Damage Evolution of Hollow Cylindrical Granite Specimens Subjected to Cyclic Coupled Static-Dynamic Loads. Geofluids, 2020.

9. Dai, B., Luo, X., Chen, L., Tian, Y., Zhang, Z., Chen, Y. *, & Shan, Q. (2020). Analysis of the Damage Characteristics and Energy Dissipation of Rocks with a Vertical Hole under Cyclic Impact Loads. Advances in Civil Engineering, 2020.

10. Bing Dai, Ying Chen*, Guoyan Zhao, Weizhang Liang, Hao Wu. A numerical study on the crack development behaviour of rock-like material containing two intersecting flaws. Mathematics.

11. 吴浩,赵国彦,陈英,张海云,代俊成, . 非胶结充填材料侧限压缩变形机制及级配效应. 采矿与安全工程学报.

12. 吴浩,赵国彦,陈英. 多目标条件下矿山充填材料配比优化实验. 哈尔滨工业大学学报.

13. 赵国彦,吴浩, 陈英,. 矿山充填材料承载机制及压缩特性实验研究. 中国矿业大学学报.



1. 海下金矿床开采安全监测与预警研究,中国黄金协会科技进步二等奖(排名4),2020.03

2. 金属矿超深竖井围岩破坏机理与灾害控制技术研究,中国黄金协会科技进步二等奖(排名5),2021.02



第六届高校城市地下空间工程专业老员工模型设计竞赛 一等奖













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